Creating Series, Titles, Characters and Locations in Organized Authors

Congratulations on setting up your Organized Authors account! Now, it's time to lay the foundation and start building your catalog of titles, series, as well as add characters and locations. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating series, titles, characters, and locations, making it easier for you to manage your content effectively.

1. Creating a New Series

a. Go to the Series Bible: In the top right-hand corner of your dashboard, click on the "Create" button and select "Series."

b. Series Edit Window: Once the Series Edit Window opens, start adding the series details such as a graphic or series logo, title, tagline, and blurb. You can also fill out any custom fields you've set up. (See How to Create Custom Fields for Books, Series, and Characters in Organized Authors)

c. Save and View: Click on "Create" to save your new series. It will appear in the series section of the Series Bible.

d. Adding Titles: While you might not have titles ready yet, you can update and add them later on the series page. 

e. Series Page: Navigate to the series you just created and click on it to open the Series Page. Here, you can add additional media files, change the order of books in the series, and store marketplace identifiers like ASIN for future reference. You can also edit series details by clicking the "Update" button.

2. Creating a New Title

a. Within a Series: If you want to add a title within an existing series, go to the series page and click on the "Add Title" button at the bottom.

b. Unrelated Title: To create a title unrelated to any series, return to the Series Bible page and select "Add Title" instead of "Add Series."

c. Title Details: Fill in the title details, upload the cover image, add a tagline and blurb, select the release date, and specify the book's length in pages. Don't forget to fill out any custom fields you've created.

d. Series Association: You can choose to add the title to an existing series by typing the series name in the appropriate box.

e. Character Integration: If you have created characters, you can search and add them to your book, and set their role level accordingly. To create role levels see How to Customize Your Author Settings.

f. Title Page: After finishing your title details and selecting Create, click on the title you’ve just created. On this page, you can add additional items to your title such as various pieces of media for your book like graphics or alternative covers, and add any title identifiers including ASIN and ISBN numbers for the audiobook, ebook, hardcover, and paperback. 

g. Title Page: Additionally using the Characters and Locations section, add existing characters and locations or create new ones for this title by clicking the square box under those sections. We can also view a detailed list of all characters and their attributes with the view detailed list button. This especially helpful when we can a quick glance at all of our characters and for our narrators to view all characters and get all the information they need quickly and efficiently

3. Creating Locations

a. Title Page: Click the square box under locations to add a new location to your title. Alternatively, navigate back to the Series Bible, click on "Create," and choose "Location."

b. Location Editor: Select an image for the location, give it a title, a short description, and add it to any titles where it appears.

c. View Locations: In the Series Bible, select "View by" and choose "Location" to view all your created locations along with their descriptions and the books they appear in.

4. Creating Characters for Your Titles

a. Title Page: Go to the title page and click on the square box underneath the characters section

b. Character Guide: Alternatively, you can navigate to the Character Guide in the toolbar on the left side of the screen, and select Create. In the Character Guide, you can search and filter existing characters by name, character type, and role level. 

c. Character Editor: After clicking Create, select a name for your character, add a nickname, and upload a photo reference. You can also choose from a bank of avatars by clicking “Select a placeholder”. Provide age, character type, and a description. Don’t forget to fill out any custom fields you've set up for characters.

d. Titles and Role Levels: Specify in which titles your characters appear and what role levels they hold, and click Create. 

e. Character Page: In the character page you can view all character details, upload additional images of your character, add a voice sample for your narrators and see what books they appear in and at what role level. 

f. Add additional nicknames or aliases to characters to make those names searchable in the character guide and series bible as well as make them mentionable in our book plotter!

By following these steps, you'll efficiently build your catalog of titles, series, characters, and locations using Organized Authors. Organizing your content will help you save time and make it easier to find crucial details quickly.

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