How to Stay Connected and Get Help with Organized Authors

At Organized Authors, our mission is to create a platform that truly serves authors, by authors. We value your input and strive to keep you informed and supported every step of the way. In this article, we will show you how to access our public roadmap for upcoming updates, submit bug reports and feature requests, stay informed with notifications, and get assistance through our help chat and knowledge base.

1. Accessing the Public Roadmap

On the top right-hand side of the app in your browser, you'll find three icons: a lightning bolt, a bell, and a life preserver.

  • Click on the lightning bolt icon to access our public roadmap. Here, you can explore the exciting updates we have in the pipeline to enhance your Organized Authors experience. Vote on new features that excite you, so we can prioritize what to deliver first. Additionally, in the "Give Feedback" section, you can report any bugs you encounter, helping us resolve them swiftly. You can also submit feature requests to suggest improvements that would benefit all authors. The "Updates" section keeps you informed with detailed descriptions of the latest improvements that are already live on the app.

2. Staying Informed with Notifications

  • Click on the bell icon to view all notifications within the app. Stay up-to-date with changes made by your team on title or character pages, updates to the book plotter and writer, and upcoming deadlines and release days. Our notifications keep you informed and on track with your writing projects.

3. Getting Help and Support

  • Click on the life preserver icon to access our help chat and knowledge base, designed to assist you whenever you encounter difficulties or have questions about using the platform.

Help Chat:

Submit a help request through the chat, and our dedicated team members will respond as promptly as possible, providing solutions and support tailored to your needs.

Knowledge Base:

Explore our knowledge base, offering step-by-step guides to help you set up your account and make the most out of the app's features. Our knowledge base ensures that you have access to valuable resources and guidance.

At Organized Authors, we deeply value your feedback and are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive author community. We are here to listen to your needs, address any concerns, and help you make the most of your writing journey. Your success is our success, and we're excited to continue enhancing your writing experience together!

For further assistance or any additional inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team via the in-app help chat or at

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